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Let's talk Self Care

What does it mean to you???

What does it look like?

To me, in the past, #selfcare has meant taking long baths. Not even with anything fancy in them, just a long hot bath with a book or my phone. On my own!

After having Mackenzie in November 2016, #selfcare meant the baths I took were often a whole lot shorter in time, often somewhat shallower and what felt to me more like an ice bath as she would often join me. I like them HOT!!! ON MY OWN!

#selfcare meant getting my hair cut by my bestie, and sometimes even getting foils put in. You know, when I wanted to really spoil myself.

Fast forward to December 2018.

Oh hello twins and a newly turned two year old. #selfcare??? Ummmmmmmmmmmm.

Having a shower (almost every day) Colouring my hair myself out of a box or tube and going all out and getting my hair cut at Just Cuts or the like possibly twice a year.

That counts right??

Then I discovered #dōTERRA.

#selfcare took on an essential oil focus. Making my own sprays or rollers and dousing myself in the most exquisite smells I could imagine.

Yup. That'll do it. Won't it????

I said right from the start when I first enrolled that I just wanted to "share".

I don't want to build I said.

My #dōTERRA friends laughed as they watched my collection grow.

  • Yup. Libbie South #dōTERRA Wellness Advocate building a team.

(Who saw that coming?)

Fast forward again to 2020.

Covid-19 hit. My mental health suffered horrifically. Anxiety at an all time high, and depression at its worst.

Whilst our kids were able to remain at childcare, they often had to stay at home due to a slightly runny nose that would previously have been let go. (Damn you hayfever and allergies) So with three young kids, I guess #selfcare largely meant going to the toilet on my own.

Ha!! What a novel thought, and something that genuinely rarely happened if they were home. Then I started making my own bath and body products. Having a longer shower and using my delicious scrubs, was a great start in getting back into some form of #selfcare. But I still coloured my hair myself. Budget hair cuts once or twice maybe even three times over 2020 and 2021 because I just can't seem to prioritise myself. There are six other people in this family, who am I to take time for myself?

I'd mostly use whatever "Decent" shampoo was on special and use the conditioner tube that came in my hair colour box. #selfcare??? CHECK!

Food and drink? I ate way too much triple cream or ash brie. Like WAY too much, and drink the most delicious stouts, dark ales, (beer whatever you want to call it). Each can loaded with calories and carbs. Some nights would be equivalent to five big meals for crying out loud. That makes me happy, so that's #selfcare surely!?!?!?!

A couple of weeks ago, around mid October, I got caught up in the excitement of a new to Australia company called #MONAT. I'd never heard of it before. #MONAT has been around for seven years, but they are now HERE in the Land Down Under.

I saw before and after pics. I picked them apart.

I spent three days talking with a friend about it before going all in.

  • I am now a Market Partner, and plan to work my way toward earning the title of Asia Pacific Founding Partner. I have my sights set on TWO Profit Shares.

  • I am yet to build a team of Market Partners or VIPS or even retail customers.

  • I've been trying, but not too hard (not hard enough) as I don't want to appear pushy. But I'll be honest, first and foremost, I have discovered a much bigger "reward" shall we call it.

I have started a hugely different #SELFCARE PATTERN!!!! Between #MONAT and #dōTERRA, I have a bathroom cabinet full of the the most divine hair, skin and body products. I have never spent this kind of money on products like these. I have never had results like this. (Interesting isn't it!)

Where to start?

  • I actually shampoo my hair twice each wash now before I condition.

  • I don't wash it in steaming hot water anymore, I save that hot water joy for the end when my hair is washed and out of the way before I blast the hot onto only my body.

  • I hardly lose any hair with each wash now, and the back of my hoodies don't look like there's a pink animal curled up in the hood anymore!!!!!

  • I can straighten my hair one day, and not have to straighten it the next now. Actually, I don't even need to straighten it now just to stop the fluffy look.

  • My hair is so soft, and actually stays that way between washes. I actually think in the last couple of weeks using MONAT, I've put my hair up three times, much to dear Husband's delight.

Is that all #selfcare entails???? Hair, Skin and Body products?


I have started drinking tea at night again instead of deliciously weight inducing stout.

I am drinking more tea instead of coffee during the day too.

My own #beezhive #beezteas loose leaf tea, and #teatonic teas.

Mindfulness and Meditation play a large role in my #selfcare now too. Even as I sit in my studio writing this, listening to the Kookaburras outside, I am drinking tea. I keep pausing my thoughts to gaze out the window and focus on my breathing, the tea, the taste. Trying to be productive, whilst also enjoying the "me time" without the kids.

Burning Palo Santo, having diffusers in literally every room of the house, not running all the time, but every bedroom's diffuser runs every night, the studio, and the lounge inside get a good workout too, even the kitchen has a go.

Reading all my new Witchy books, self care books, mindful colouring, building epic Lego pieces. This is all my #SELFCARE!!!!

Launching #welloilbee as an official business online, has also felt like #selfcare for me. It's given me something to really focus on to keep my noisy thoughts at bay.

Trying to build and run three successful businesses is huge and so new to me, that I am now making sure that I am fully aware of my #selfcare routines, patterns, allowances. Whatever you want to call it. TIME TO MAKE THE TIME TO CARE FOR ME!

I'll be writing a blog once or twice a week highlighting products and ways to introduce #selfcare and make yourself a priority. Even if only for a few moments a day while you sit and enjoy a HOT cup of tea. You may be able to go all out and have a long soak in a hot bath that has been steeped with beautiful botanicals, salts and oils.

I'm going to introduce you to a new low tox way of doing things with my products. No nasty chemicals in our studio I can assure you.

Come on an amazing journey with me, whether it's #selfcare, #mindfulness, #yoga, #meditation or #witchcraft.

The path is yours to choose.

Libbie (Bee)

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1 commentaire

05 nov. 2021

Woo... you wonder woman! What a roller coaster few years it's been!? Can't wait to see what this new chapter of life (and self care) brings your way 🖤💜

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