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Crown Spiritual Connection

Coconut: Pathway to another world, Protection from negative psychic forces


Third Eye: Intuition and Imagination

Juniper Berry: Attracts good healthy energies and love whilst also providing clarity and protection


Throat: Truth and Self Expression

Lavender: Enhances awareness and intuition for dream work


Heart: Love and Inner Peace

Nettle: Aids with energetic protection. She brings with her healing and love.


Solar Plexus: Will Power & Self Worth

Yellow Rose: Yellow symbolises happiness and positivity. It boosts confidence and enthusiasm


Sacral: Motivation and Pleasure

Orange: Promotes creativity and healthy sexuality


Root: Grounding and Protection 

Red Rose: Aids with protection and confidence

7 Chakra Botanical Spell Jar

  • All our spell jars are cleansed with ethically and sustainably sourced Palo Santo before they are filled.

    Standing at 9cm high, this spell jar is the perfect size to keep  in your bag, on your desk, on your altar or even beside your bed. 


    Made with Love by Beez Hive.

  • Each spell jar is handmade individually with love and intent. Just as with any spiritual items, we supply you with the ingredients, tools or suggestions and you bring the open mind, heart, and energy. Results will vary depending on each individual person.

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