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Naturally Blue, Add lemon to change to purple
Natures Natural aphrodisiac 
Enjoy the afterglow 


This sensual floral combination will fascinate you with its magic.

The natural blue colour of the tea will change from blue to purple with a squeeze of lemon. Boosting the lustre of your hair,  skin and eyes the natural blue colour demonstrates how super high this tea is in anti-oxidants. 


Every cup of this tea will provide you with 3% of your RDI of iron. Add a squeeze of lemon to achieve an even higher absorption. Tea is such a tonic!



Blue Magic Tea


    Ingredients: Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Rose Petals (Rosa Centifolia), Natural Flavour.

    Flavour: Floral, like a Turkish Delight. Try it iced!

  • Preparation: Place 1 teabag per person in a cup or teapot. Add boiling water and allow to steep for 7-10 minutes for desired strength. Serve hot or cold with honey or lemon to taste. Serve without milk.


    Box contains 20 individually wrapped unbleached teabags.

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